Yota was born in Kerastari, Arcadia, Greece in 1937 and migrated to Australia on the last trip of the ship Toscana in 1959. She completed high school studies at Sydney Evening College and graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Arts and a Diploma of Education. For many years, she worked creating resources for teachers and was also a member of the Modern Greek HSC Marking Committee. She is an author and poet, and her published works include an educational series «ΚΟΝΤΑ ΣΤΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ», bilingual poetry books Triptych and Falling Stars. She translated into Greek the novelisation of the script for the groundbreaking Australian television series Women of the Sun. Her novels are Katavoles, Kyparissomilo and Kyklamino, the three parts of the Pathways to Freedom trilogy. She has also written a play, Christina’s Case, based on the 'Greek Conspiracy' cases of the 1970s and 1980s.